Something Special is Now Available!!
Something Special is now available! Please click here for the link to Amazon.
Coming Thursday … Something Special
Hello Again, Something Special will be available Thursday, January 25th. I wanted to give you a preview of these two crazy kids. Last time we saw Gabby and Jamal (in Safe Space) they were at each others' throats. Looks like there's no love loss between these two ......
Something Special
Happy New Year All!! A new year is a fresh start for new goals, new habits and of course, NEW BOOKS!! With that said, I know some of you have been heavily anticipating Gabby and Jamal's story. It's almost ready for you all. Below is a preview of the cover along with...
Now Available: Eric’s Inferno
Eric's Inferno now available on Amazon. Click link here to purchase.
Landon Takes A Knee…
Hello All, While I'm waiting on the edits for Eric's Inferno to come back, I decided to catch up on one of my couples. I was inspired by a recent news article about an NFL player taking a knee and thought, "Landon would totally kneel." So, here's a little bit of a...
Up Next!
Hey Y'all, It's been awhile, hasn't it? Well, just know, in that time I've been working on my next series. Up next is The Men of Rescue Four! Firefighters are known for their mental and physical toughness, their roudyness, and just as well known for their philandering...
Available Now on Amazon!
Hello All, Christmas decided to come a little early this year. So...Available Now on Amazon Click here
Safe Space II Cover Reveal
Hello All, Time is ticking along and Safe Space II is currently being edited. Trust me, I am JUST as anxious for you all to read it as you are. Once I get my manuscript back from my editor I should have a better idea as to a release date. In the mean time and in...
Safe Space 2 Sneak Peek
Hello All, How's everyone? First, thank you to all who have supported and sent me messages, left reviews, and just generally enjoyed Safe Space. Xavier and Chanel's story has been a labor of love. Safe Space 2 is currently in its revision/editing stages, and I am...
Xavier Grant Has Arrived!
Good morning! As you can see from the title Safe Space is available today! Woot Woot! You can pick up your copy here. And while reading, go ahead and get into this playlist. Xavier and Chanel's story is better absorbed while listening to music. Happy reading! (And if...